Basic business flow is Unofficial P/O Entry→MPS (Master Production Schedule)→MRP (Material Requirement Planning)→Confirm MRP Result→Release Order.
As MRP is executed on PC memory, MRP is calculated from 30 second to 3 minites.

- Users can enter Unofficial P/O or Forecast. And users can make MPS by Customer P/O or Unofficial P/O and have histories of Unofficial P/O.
- On MPS Process, users can split Customer P/O or Unofficial P/O and balance Process Load and adjust MPS for safety stock.
- On MRP Process, MRP is calculated by MPS. MRP has Logic of Lead Time, Lot Summary, Day Summary.
- As MRP has Simulation, you can simulate MRP by Customer P/O and MPS. And users can find available stock.
- MRP is Hybrid MRP. Users can use Production Control Type and MRP Type.

Master Production Schedule (MPS) / Material Requirements Planning (MRP) Process
Master Production Schedule (MPS)
- From customer P / O the Lot can split and change the delivery date and quantity.
- Unofficial Customer information can remove, add or modify at any time.
- Display inventory from the MPS.
Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
- materials planning System it can be material requirements calculation.
- Production Planning System (MPS) Corresponding to Materials planning system (MRP).
- can set Production term of officially and unofficially.
- Maximum required to set period is one year.
- You can calculate the time and production at the same time.
- Effective stock verification by MRP simulation.
SimLex Series
We provide ERP, Accounting System, Production Control and Sales System for Users request.