Basic business flow is Inventory Stock Process→Receive / Issue, Stock Movement, Stock Transfer, Receive / Issue History. Actual Stock is updated immediately.

- Actual Stock is displayed by Location or Item and is update immediately. If users enter stock of Lot No., users can control stock by Location and Lot No..
- Inventory Stock Process can be done by Location. This Inventory is used to Initial Stock of Accounting.
- At Receive / Issue Entry, Stock Movement, Stock Transfer, you can enter Lot No. and Expiry Date.
- Receive / Issue History is create in each process. Stock Card is create by Receive / Issue History. Stock Card has method of FIFO, LIFO, Average.
Example of Stock Card

Stock Control Process
Actual Stock
- Actual Stock by Location, the days of stock-in and stock-out and stock value.
- Actual stock by Item, stock value, quantity of purchase order(include Safety Stock).
- Display the Inventory in Actual stock.
Receive / Issue Control
- In standard warehousing processing, enter the warehousing information.
- Display the stock Receive and Issue.
- Enter the standard receive.
- Enter the standard issue.
- the stock movement process, enter the movement between locations.
- the stock transfer process, enter the material transfer between locations.
- Display of the stock movement record.
- Display of the stock transfer performance.
- Display of the loading history.
Inventory Control
- Location creating inventory for each data.
- Edit the inventory data that is created, a reflection and monthly inventory to the Current stock.
- Display monthly stock.
SimLex Series
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